Quest Schema

I write only in text as I can have images and such for the first section, however the second section would have nothing. So instead, you get cool formatting. Feel Special? You Should.


The Journey through Hook

We start out Hook in an ORDINARY WORLD

What you see after the kidnapping is Peter's realization that he's Peter Pan, coming to terms with that fact, and overcoming certain mental obstacles, such as his fear of flying -- the INNER PROBLEM(s).

Hence we move on to the scene where Peter Pan encounters his children trapped on Hook's ship in Never Never Land (our SPECIAL WORLD), upon which they beg him to save them -- the CALL. Hook promises Peter (since he's become so old and as such, is no longer a worthy adversary) that if he can touch his children's fingers (APPROACH), he will let them all go home.

And who is the most appropriate THRESHOLD GUARDIAN

Upon Peter trying to regain his powers, he undergoes several TESTs the Lost Boys have prepared.

The fight scene toward the end between Hook and Peter Pan and Hook's crew and the Lost Boys is the ORDEAL. Peter's physical realization of what he used to be revitalizes his mind and soul and helps him to re-think his priorities -- the RESURRECTion.





The Journey through Mace (through the eyes of little Mace -- roughly age 6)




As a kid, I never APPROACHed anything, and always shied away from conflict. I do that a little now as well, however I have learned to stand up more for myself as of late (within the past 7 or 8 years). The ORDEAL

I'd say my CALL to action appeared my senior year in high school when my band director and assistant band director kept contradicting each other in what they told me to do until I finally took a stand and told them to get their act together. Such a stand caused a landslide, which eventually brought a DrumLine strike that brought all the drummers plus some of the parents all looking at Estrada, waiting for his response. My CALL was answered with a bold APPROACH. Although my actions my Senior year in high school may not have passed the TESTs, they were still learning experiences for me.